Topic: Dynamics of political change
Answer the follow questions:
1. Rejai and Enloe argue that Europe produced nation-states and the developing world (Asia and Africa) produced
state-nations. What is the difference between the two, and why did this variation in state development occur?
2. According to Rejai and Enloe, why are we seeing an increasing number of secessionist movements?
3. Eriksen discusses some of the classic theories of state-making, predicated mainly upon Western European history. How are
states formed, according to these theories, and why does Eriksen argue this is not entirely applicable to more recent
state-making? Do you agree?
4. Eriksen looks at the various players in state-building, the two major ones being regimes and society. Pick one of these
and discuss why (or why not) this group and the sub-groups within in it are interested in state-making, and the challenges
they face. What do you think about the conclusions he reaches?