Dying Under the Laws of the Living Academic Essay

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Dying Under the Laws of the Living Academic Essay

Dying Under the Laws of the Living – Unmasking the Injustices of the “Law” in Ruiz’s Happy Birthday Jesús (1994)
Ruiz critiques “the law” and Social injustice. Examining Ruiz’s
Happy Birthday Jesús, analyze and explain how the Criminal
Justice System and Catholicism are realms of hypocrisy and
falsehoods. Why are hypocrisy and falsehoods permitted to
persist based on the novel?
(FOCUS on the text, not your personal relationship with these subjects.)

• Proper utilization of the Triple I Method when incorporating textual evidence within body
Textual Evidence Requirements
• Two block quote (5-6 lines max.) and three “in-text” quotes (3 lines max

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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions