During excavation of shale rock particulate material is created which has a range of particle sizes from large cobbles down to find sand.

2/3 page paper
March 23, 2020
State a claim
March 23, 2020

During excavation of shale rock particulate material is created which has a range of particle sizes from large cobbles down to find sand.

During excavation of shale rock particulate material is created which has a range of particle sizes from large cobbles down to find sand. The material is to be used as fill for old quarry. The fundamental particles comprising the shale are fine silt-sized particles of quartz, approximately 50%, kaolin, 40% and cementing materials 10%, in situe the particles are well cemented so they form a strong hard rock.
Discuss the factors that would influence the frictional resistance of the particulate material, assuming that no weathering occurs. What effects might compaction have on the material and it is frictional properties???