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DSM 5A1 Design Thinking

DSM 5A1 Design Thinking
DSM 5A1 Design Thinking

The key deliverable for this assignment is a thoroughly researched written essay showcasing your approach and solutions to the challenge as well as your key learning throughout. This summative brief should be read in conjunction with the full module description/ details.

Strategic use of Design-Thinking
Individual submission: 2000 Word Essay

You are asked to focus on design-thinking processes and innovation as a store of opportunities to develop new and unexpected ideas for a given organisation. The insistence on using design-thinking process as a driving force of the project should prompt you to see new ways to address current and future problems. How might an organization create and sustain competitive advantage through the strategic use of design thinking? Your task for this particular project is to promote the concept of Design-Thinking within a business organisation of your choice. Furthermore, you will use design as a vehicle that can embed the Design-Thinking opportunity within the chosen business context. Carefully consider today?s current trends and market challenges and be critical in your analysis of what the organisation could do in the future. Then propose appropriate design changes, going through the various stages of implementing your idea, whilst applying all the skills gathered throughout the module.

? Presents an understanding of what the concept of Design-Thinking is alongside comprehensive research into the context of the project. This will rely on a variety of sources (min 5 academic sources must be evident)
? A description of the business organisation within which you will identify the Design-Thinking criteria and why you chose this particular organisation.
? A discussion of what benefits you have identified by embedding Design-Thinking opportunities through design.
? Ability to discuss the proposal in an informed way and include individual reflection

The 2000 word essay should be referenced throughout (Harvard style) with a complete list of References and Bibliography at the end. Case studies and visual that support the project should be included to the appendices.

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