Drama/Fiction: Political Advertising in Film/Television
The outside assignments are designed to improve application and critical thinking associated with
concepts we are reading about in the textbook. The OAs also “fill in” the gaps between the readings,
the RCD assignment, and ultimately, the Position Paper. OAs will usually involve a 30 – 90 minute
activity along with a brief 2-3 page submission. When students are given a choice of activities to
complete, pick only one. Be sure to identify which option you chose!
Political Advertising In The United States By Erkia Franklin Fowler, Michael M Franz, and Travis N Ridout Chapters 1, 2, and 3
For this option, students must identify a film or television show which focuses on a political campaign
AND that involves one or more clear depictions of a political ad. Students should describe the political
ad(s) in the context of the film and discuss the portrayal of public reaction. Finally, students should
speculate on how accurate the portrayal was and whether or not a similar reaction would occur in a real
campaign. Students must identify the title/episode of the source and the year it was produced. Students
should begin by summarizing the show’s plot (one paragraph only!). Then, students should describe
the political ad(s), portrayed reactions, and speculations of accuracy.
For possible film titles, visit: https://www.boxofficemojo.com/genres/chart/?id=political-election.htm
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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions