Does the government have too much or too little power over business? Discuss

Discussion—Addressing Ethical Issues
March 21, 2020
Strategic Management: Strategic Choices slp Making Strategic Choices
March 21, 2020

Does the government have too much or too little power over business? Discuss

Answer at least one of the following questions. Respond to anyone who responds to your initial posting. In addition, you must respond to at least two answers to questions other than the one you initially answered. Please review Discussion Etiquette before beginning the activity.

Do societal interest groups help or hinder business?
Does the government have too much or too little power over business?

Issues management is about identifying, monitoring, and analyzing trends and issues that “might” affect business, which is costly. Why not just wait until issues actually do affect the business?
The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, was clearly a major national crisis. Can business, society and government really be affective in terrorist crises management? Should business focus on terrorist crises management or leave it to the government?