Does it matter that a highly profitable company (e.g., a casino) could print a true account of its activities and suffer no societal sanction or penal

Role Transition Custom Essay
April 1, 2020
The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
April 1, 2020

Does it matter that a highly profitable company (e.g., a casino) could print a true account of its activities and suffer no societal sanction or penal

Question: Some people like gambling in Las Vegas. They are prepared to put their resources to support businesses that are probably not eco-friendly (massive energy use to keep the desert cool; water diverted to maintain golf courses only relatively
few use, and so on). The businesses could argue that they are morally neutral, and only responding to customer demand. Now, Elkington wants businesses to be more
accountable for their environmental practices. Does it matter that a highly profitable company (e.g., a casino) could print a true account of its activities and suffer no societal sanction or penalty? Should we regulate them on a societal level? Should they be more environmentally conscious?