Do you believe a person’s basic nature is mostly determined by Biological/ genetic factors or is mostly influenced by social/ environment factors, or

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Research in Education: Evidence-Based Inquiry
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Do you believe a person’s basic nature is mostly determined by Biological/ genetic factors or is mostly influenced by social/ environment factors, or

Do you believe a person’s basic nature is mostly determined by Biological/ genetic factors or is mostly influenced by social/ environment factors, or one’s spiritual beliefs?

Order Description

Assignment: Do you believe a person’s basic nature is mostly determined by Biological/ genetic factors or is mostly influenced by social/ environment factors, or one’s spiritual beliefs? Explain your answer with personal, social, political, and spiritual examples to support your points.
Audience: your audience is a graduating high school class ( your high school), and you are the keynote speaker. What do you think they need to know about personal development before they go on to college or out into the real world?