Do video games reinforce conventional racial and gender stereotypes

Semantic Feature Analysis Chart
September 13, 2020
the furture of the juvenile justice system.  
September 13, 2020

Do video games reinforce conventional racial and gender stereotypes

Do video games reinforce conventional racial and gender stereotypes? Research a video game that you enjoy or that someone you know enjoys playing.  Head over to Longshoreman’s Hall on the UWT campus, where you can have your pick of games to play.  Alternatively, you can take a look at Gamestop’s website ( and critically analyze a video game of your choice.  Use the critical questions from Resistance through Video Game Play:  It’s a Boy Thing by Kathy Sanford & Leanna Madill (page 301) to help facilitate your analysis.  Remember to include a quote from the readings or media to support your analysis, and a link to the artifact that you are analyzing.

•Who and what are included? What groups of people are included or excluded? How do you know?
•What do those who are included get to do? What roles are taken by men/boys, women/girls? What evidence do you have?
•Which people and roles are valued and how is this communicated?
•Who has control?  Who has access to power?  Who exercises power? Who acts independently? Who initiates action?
•What are various people rewarded for and with?
•In what ways does the inclusion or exclusion reflect to your own life?
•What are the consequences of this relationship?
•What alternatives are there?