discussion of three nursing research articles

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discussion of three nursing research articles

discussion of three nursing research articles

Order Description

Introduction to Nursing Research
NURS 3807
Research Paper Criteria

1.    Attach the three research articles selected for discussion.
2.    Submit at minimum a 5 page discussion- excluding cover, abstract, and reference pages
3.    Paper should be typed and formatted using APA guidelines (6th ed).
4.    Minimum of three peer-reviewed research single design nursing articles related to topic; MUST be within past 5 years are to be used.
5.    The following information should be included within your paper:
•    Abstract
o    Limit 75 words

•    Introduction (literature reviewed in this section should not be from your primary research articles and within the last 10 years)
o    Clear statement of topic
?    Background/history
•    Definition/description
•    Current or previous controversy or research
?    Focus of paper/ guiding question (what is purpose of your review of selected research studies?)

•    Methodology
o    Detail research review process to find relevant and original research articles pertaining to your topic
?    Key words selected
?    Number of articles found
?    How you narrowed the selection to the 3 articles presented

•    Results
o    Major key points of referenced research articles as relevant to your topic; analyze your  results by comparing and contrasting the following content from the different research studies (Hint: do not discuss each article separately)
?    Research design
?    Sample
?    Setting
?    Research tools/instruments
?    Data collection process
?    Data Analysis processes

•    Discussion/Conclusion
o    Limitation and strengths of the articles collectively.
o    Summary of key points relevant to your topic
?    Identify evidenced based rationale or gaps in research reviews of topic
?    Identify proposed next steps – future research indications
o    Describe relevance of topic to nursing

Turning for Ulcer ReductioN: A Multisite Randomized Clinical Trial in Nursing Homes
Nancy Bergstrom, PhD, RN,* Susan D. Horn, PhD,†‡ Mary Pat Rapp, PhD, RN,*
Anita Stern, PhD, RN,§ Ryan Barrett, BS,†‡ and Michael Watkiss, BFA†‡