Discuss their different opinion on free will and determinism.

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July 30, 2020
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July 30, 2020

Discuss their different opinion on free will and determinism.

this essay is a critical paper. it must focus on the free will and determinism. The two philosophers we discussed are Hume and DHolbach. the essay must discuss their different opinion on free will and determinism. Firstly, it needs to introduce view being criticized (Philosopher A) with chosen example. Secondly, explain criticism from philosopher B with example. Thirdly, introduce/ explain view of critic (Philosopher B) with example. Next, response to criticism (As response to B) with example. Last, defend a view using your own opinion. The more specific requirement is on the attachment. The book of Hume is An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding The book of Dholbach is we are completely determined