Discuss the ways in which Engineers can ensure adequate water and food supplies for a growing population

March 11, 2020
Essay Writers
March 11, 2020

Discuss the ways in which Engineers can ensure adequate water and food supplies for a growing population

The font should be Times New Roman or Arial 12 point.
Quotations should be:
a. – short quotations are run on as part of the main text, enclosed in quotation marks, and
i. reference source in brackets.

ii. e.g. Sears (Sears, 1972: 28) argues that a further dimension is being added in that, ‘development now implies reduction of cultural dependence on one or more of the greater powers.’

b. – long quotations: if more than 3 lines, should be indented from the left and right margins,
i. in single line spacing, no quotation marks, and reference in brackets.

ii. e.g. Sears states that:

Development is inevitably a normative concept, almost a synonym for improvement. To pretend otherwise is just to hide one’s value judgement. (Sears, 1972: 40).

7) List of references should be included on a separate page at the end of the assignment.
References are arranged in alphabetical order by author’s surname, or the name of the
organisation. For differences between references to books and journals, and electronic
sources, follow the given instructions