This research proposal must be quantitative, it will be controlled in a lab setting where groups of individuals from late teens and early adulthood individuals (ages 18 to 25) {I had to change the age group due to the control condition where their levels of cortisol are tested (saliva tests) as well as the consumption of several types of caffeinated beverages are administred; to do it with minors would be unethical}; two groups of individuals are going to be tested:
Group 1: High Caffeine Content (400mg daily);
Group 2: Low Caffeine Content (less than 300mg daily);
Known Points: Cortisol Causes stress; Caffeine Increases Cortisol Levels
Issues: In late teenage and early adulthood the brain still developing
Stress levels high at base level
Many drinks today contain high caffeine levels (sodas, energy drinks, coffee drinks)
Possible questions:
Does consumption of high levels of caffeine affect late teens and early adults cortisol (stress) levels?
Hypothesis: Yes
Variables: High Caffeine Consumption individuals; Low Caffeine Consumption individuals;
Measurements: Cortisol Levels (saliva tests)
This question is important because stress is especially damaging at this age. It can trigger all sorst of genetic predispositions for developing mental illnesses.
Found Literature:
Relationship between high consumption of caffeine and cortisol levels causing stress.
Relationship between high levels of cortisol and mental illnesses such as depression, hypertension, hyppocampal atrophy, cognitive impairement etc.
High stress levels being damaging for late adolescence and early adulthood.
What does a developing brain need to grow normaly and healthy?
Acute Threat to the Social Self: Shame, Social Self-esteem, and Cortisol Activity
Overlapping Caffeine Addiction and Self-esteem
Adolescents Problems and their Relationship to self-esteemThis needs to be a Research Proposal and NOT a Research Paper.
Present the final research proposal using the following sections as a guide:Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Literature Review
Section 3: Hypotheses
Section 4: Method
Section 5: Hypothetical Results:
The Hypothetical Results section should be 500 words in length.
Describe the predicted result of each analysis that was proposed in the Method section.
Use the results to determine whether the research hypotheses are confirmed or not.
Present the final answer to the main research question posed in the introduction and/or literature review.
Evaluate the conclusion against the existing literature.
In the Hypothetical Results section, cite at least two new references or two from those cited in the literature review.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines
The whole proposal reads like a coherent paper with no redundancy or gaps among the sections.
Hypothetical result is discussed in detail and consistent with the literature review.
The hypothesis is either confirmed or rejected based on the hypothetical result and consistent with the literature.
The answer to the research question is discussed in a meaningful manner.
The contribution of the research result to the existing literature is emphasized to show the significance of the proposed study.
The hypothetical results section: The paper is 500 words long
The Hypothetical Results Section: The Paper Contains 2 New or Previously Cited Scholarly References (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles)
Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.
Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.
All format elements are correct.
In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.