Discuss the relationship between deinstitutionalization, mental illness, and homelessness

Review the Final Research Paper instructions in Week Five, and identify three potential research topics
July 11, 2020
Why factors led to Africans becoming chattel slaves rather than indentured servants
July 11, 2020

Discuss the relationship between deinstitutionalization, mental illness, and homelessness

Question details:

BSHS 302 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2
Discuss the relationship between deinstitutionalization, mental illness, and homelessness. Share your thoughts on current human service intervention strategies, including visiting clients on the streets, mental health courts, etc.

How do many homeless shelters fall short in meeting the needs of single parents and children who are homeless?
Share your thoughts about the moderation movement versus the abstinence model in substance abuse treatment.

Share your thoughts on the impact of locus of control in the domestic violence relationship, including how the abuser and victim of abuse attribute causality. How can human service workers use attribution theory in helping victims make effective life choices?

Provide some examples of ageism from the media or your own personal experience, and share some ways that the human services field can work to combat this issue.

Prior to this week’s readings, were you aware of the increase in elder abuse? What are some ways you think human service workers can most effectively respond to this issue?