Imagery, Symbolism, Irony, Rhythm
For this week’s Discussion, add a posting for one of the six poems listed below and then join a thread for at least two other poems. Be sure to point out figures of speech, use of irony and symbolism when these elements help convey the poem’s meaning.
“Metaphors” by Sylvia Plath, (620). Can you solve the riddle of this poem?
“The Emperor of Ice-Cream,” by Wallace Stevens (644). Explain a few of the many symbols and relate them to the poem’s theme.
“Tony Went to the Bodega,” Martin Espada (656). Why does the narrator mean when he says, “This is a rice and beans /success story” (ll. 41-42)? How is metonymy (check Glossary of Literary Terms at the end of your text) used in this poem–give examples..
“Bully” (800) by Martin Espada. Explain the title. What does the statue of Roosevelt symbolize?
“Eleanor Rigby” (566) by Paul McCartney. Describe the imagery.
“When I Was One and Twenty” (809) by A. E. Housman. Discuss the irony in this poem.
“Ozymandias” (651) by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Explain the irony in the poem.