Discuss the epigraph at the beginning of T. S. Eliots Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and its relationship to the idea of hope in the poem.

Identifying some of the linguistic and/or formal nuances of the passage (i.e. what kind of language does the passage employ? How is it structured? Fro
June 29, 2020
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June 29, 2020

Discuss the epigraph at the beginning of T. S. Eliots Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and its relationship to the idea of hope in the poem.

Order DescriptionDirections: Please answer EIGHT of the following in 5-7 sentences. Your answers should give specific evidence from the story or the poem and from lecture. Be sure to use key terms discussed concerning each work.
1. Define the word zeitgeist and give two characteristics of the Victorian era. In at least one way, how is Kate Chopins Story of an Hour Victorian?
2. Give two characteristics of the Romantic era. How is Kate Chopins Story of an Hour influenced by this movement?
3. Complete a brief Marxist reading of Kate Chopins Story of an Hour as discussed in lecture.
4. Define Modernism and its reaction against two events. This answer needs only to be three sentences long.
5. Discuss the epigraph at the beginning of T. S. Eliots Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and its relationship to the idea of hope in the poem.
6. Name three symbols of the ocean and/or the city in T. S. Eliots Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. In general, what might these symbols stand for?
7. What is Ernest Hemingways Hills Like White Elephants about?
8. Why does the female in Ernest Hemingways Hills Like White Elephants keep
insisting that she is fine or that she loves the man more than she loves herself?
9. Discuss the two sets of instructions in Girl by Jamaica Kincaid.
10. How is Raymond Carvers work an example of Revisionary Mythopoesis?
Part Two: Please create a five paragraph reaction to ONE of the following topics. You can use previous work, but your essay should not be an exact replica of an earlier draft.
1. Discuss the role of women in Kate Chopins Story of an Hour.
2. Discuss the city as a recurring image in T. S. Eliots The Love Song. 3. Discuss Ernest Hemingways Hills Like White Elephants as Modern. 4. Discuss Jamaica Kincaids Girl as Modern or Post-Modern.
5. Discuss Raymond Carvers work as Post-Modern.
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