Discuss some issues and problems in your individual team members’ work settings that could be addressed in a quantitative research project. Apply one

Individual Analysis and Reflection
June 23, 2020
PA Report
June 23, 2020

Discuss some issues and problems in your individual team members’ work settings that could be addressed in a quantitative research project. Apply one

Discuss some issues and problems in your individual team members’ work settings that could be addressed in a quantitative research project. Apply one type of descriptive statistics to an actual set of data that could be used for documentation in a research plan. Choose a chart, a graph, line graph, or a frequency distribution that would best show the data

Descriptive Statistics: Discuss some issues and problems in your individual team members’ work settings that could be addressed in a quantitative research project. Apply one type of descriptive statistics to an actual set of data that could be used for documentation in a research plan. Choose a chart, a graph, line graph, or a frequency distribution that would best show the data and explain why this was the best method to illustrate the data’s characteristics. You may calculate the correlation coefficient, if appropriate to the issue you are exploring. Discuss the selected issue or problem and explain the rationale for your team’s choice.

Set of Data:

Name Grade Reporting Periods Name Grade Reporting Periods
Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchamark 3 Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3
Alex 65 62 71 Allen 84 90 81
Andrew 47 52 66 Avery 72 64 66
Anthony 71 75 81 Anthony 98 92 99
Brenda 28 66 68 Averill 75 60 68
Carmen 58 62 71 Cana 45 59 55
Dana 77 81 88 Danielle 82 69 70
Heidi 45 62 71 Harry 63 74 82
Jeffrey 81 69 85 Jenna 50 44 78
John n/a 78 77 Jona 100 86 95
Jorge 63 57 81 Jorge 83 91 88
Jose 57 51 74 Josefa 52 66 72
Joshua 88 91 93 Josephina 43 52 69
Kim 81 77 65 Kila 95 88 93
Latisha 64 81 71 Latese 77 60 83
Maria 95 91 96 Mario 52 84 90
Matthew 65 76 77 Matie 88 92 79
Rachel 62 44 68 Ray 68 73 84
Robert 89 67 88 Roberto 70 50 77
Rupert 36 51 61 Rufus 92 100 98
Sara 75 68 62 Sharon 80 67 94
Seth 89 68 77 Shibon 73 65 73
Sheetal 71 66 84 Stefanie 50 70 65
Stephanie 92 94 93 Silva 98 90 100
Tara 88 92 83 Taya 97 97 98
Tawayna 69 72 68 Toya 94 75 99
Wayne 95 57 92 Wren 85 88 92