Discuss lobbying reforms, including the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 and efforts under the Bush and Obama administrations. Were these reforms effec

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Discuss lobbying reforms, including the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 and efforts under the Bush and Obama administrations. Were these reforms effec

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Please respond to each question with at 550 word count.no less than 500. Please mark each question by number assigned along with references.1 Discuss lobbying reforms, including the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 and efforts under the Bush and Obama administrations. Were these reforms effective? Will they reduce the perceived corruption in lobbying activities?Please respond to each question with at 550 word count.no less than 500. Please mark each question by number assigned along with references2 The United States has never adopted clear policy guidelines regarding the use of force. When is military intervention overseas appropriate? Use real examples. Defend your position, including acknowledging the potential risks associated with your chosen scenario(s).
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