Discuss how the process of writing a research question and identifying related research has broadened your understanding of the importance of evidence

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Discuss how the process of writing a research question and identifying related research has broadened your understanding of the importance of evidence

Order DescriptionAssessment #2 Review protocol/strategy
This assignment requires you to identify a research question, develop and implement a database search string, identify 5 relevant primary research studies/articles that will enable you to answer your research question and to reflect upon evidence based practice.PLEASE NOTE the research question you develop and the research articles you find will be used in NURS 3046 Nursing Project and NURS 3049 Midwifery Project.Assessment details:The Research Question and its Importance (800 words)1. Develop or choose a research question from ONE of these health themes: Mothers and babies
Children and families
Acute care settings
Older people
Mental health
Rural and remote healthPlease see the sample research questions which are available in the Assessment folder. You may use one of these sample research questions or develop you own research question2. State your research question including the Population, Intervention, Comparison (if relevant) and Outcomes (PICO) or Population, Intervention/Issue, Outcomes (PIO)3. Provide an explanation using appropriate references as to why this research question is important to Nursing/Midwifery practiceDatabase Search String and Implementation4. Develop a database search string based on your research question to locate specific peer-reviewed research articles related to your research question. The search string should include:
Wildcards and
Boolean operators5. Implement your search string in a health/medical database/s to identify 5 relevant primary research studies [published in peer-reviewed journals] that address your research question. The studies should not be systematic reviews or literature reviews.
Information regarding relevant databases can be found at:
https://guides.library.unisa.edu.au/c.php?g=169923&p=11193156. In an appendix at the end of the assignment, Attach screen shots of the search strategy you undertook in your chosen database/s. See assignment 2 help for more information about using databases.The Peer Reviewed Articles (1,000 words)7. List the 5 peer-reviewed, primary research articles you found using the UniSA Harvard referencing style.8. Use the 5 research articles you found to complete the table which has the following headings: Reference, Study design, Population, Intervention or Issue, Comparison (if relevant), Outcomes.Discussion (700 words)9. Discuss how the process of writing a research question and identifying related research has broadened your understanding of the importance of evidence based practice for nursing or midwifery.Instruction: Based on attached files and read all the content especially( top 5a, 5b, 5c) which show how to do the assignment, answer the questions shown on the template file. Plz read all of the attached file. topic 4-5 on the attached word file and all the highlighted link from youtube shown on these word files which are closely interrelated on the assignment how to do especially Top 5a, 5b, 5c. Finally, ****rmb you must do the work based on the attached template call Ass_2_Format 2016-SP4 Template, and the assignment topic i put in this file as well, which call (HOW EFFECTIVE ARE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY INTERVENTIONS IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH OBESITY?) . If unclear of the instruction, text me on the msg box asap. Follow the attached unisa harvard referencing guide is a must of doing this assignment. Also, follow the attached Feedback form that is how they give the mark. Make the language easier as much as possible
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