Discuss how governments in Australia, America and Sweden have tried to influence fertility rates in their respective countries

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Discuss how governments in Australia, America and Sweden have tried to influence fertility rates in their respective countries

ESLA10004          Assignment 4: Essay

Discuss how governments in Australia, America and Sweden have tried to influence fertility rates in their respective countries

For this assignment you are required to write an essay. It is recommended that you use the same theme as for your oral presentation. Choose an essay topic – from the list of topics provided. Please check your topic with your tutor before you start researching and writing your essay. This is the major assignment in this course, so it is worth spending a reasonable amount of time on. In your answer you need to show:

(1) that you have understood the question, and

(2) that you have read and thought about what some other people have written about the issue. Most of your essay will consist of explaining other people’s ideas.


Your contribution is to:

(1) explain these clearly,

(2) choose examples carefully,

(3) put it all together in a logical argument.

You are required to consult at least 8 different sources for your essay. The reason for this is to get a deeper understanding of the main issues and problems associated with a particular topic. The eight sources should include at least four academic journals/book chapters. These should include some from the reading pack, the list of further reading provided in the reading pack, and your own research. Try to find a good range of sources including book chapters, journal articles, reports, and authoritative online materials. Essays that use more than one or two newspaper/magazine articles, or more than one or two online resources are unlikely to achieve the depth of analysis required. A bibliography (list of all references used) should accompany each essay, and in-text citations should follow the Harvard system set out in the Reading pack. As you will often need to refer to the work of other writers in your essay, make sure you record the publication details, and page numbers for all material you use. The essay should also follow the presentation guidelines outlined in the Reading pack.

1,500 words

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