Order DescriptionA literature Review Chapter for a Masters Dissertation.
1. What is reading? Why do we do it?
2. History of Guided Reading within the UK system.
Rose Review critique phonics
Reading by Six critique starting to young
3. What is guided reading and what is its purpose?
4. Critique of the National Reading Panel Article.
how did they select articles?
is there any recent research since?
has anyone else done a meta-analysis?
5. Do these skills promote Reading Comprehension?
6. Is it an effective method and Is Guided Reading suitable for all ages?
zone of proximal development
Wolfe 2015 Education 3-13 Journal
7. What should be in an effective Guided Reading session?
Group with the teacher
for the rest of the class.
8. Can it help EAL children learn to read.
9. Other methods Reciprocal Teaching.
10. Good school policy and management.
Effective training and induction.I have notes that I will send for each section.
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