Discuss and explain on what resources are available to someone who is dealing with Intimate Partner Violence and/or Sexual Assault.

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August 9, 2020

Discuss and explain on what resources are available to someone who is dealing with Intimate Partner Violence and/or Sexual Assault.

Articles and Community ResourcesThe purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking about intimate partner violence in a variety of ways. There are several parts to this assignment, so please separate your paper into Part 1, Part 2, and Conclusion. This assignment should be no longer than four pages.
Part 1
Go to the website www.everydayfeminism.com (its linked within the week that the assignment is due) and click on the Violence link (or put violence into the search). Review at least three articles on sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or some related to topic to this course that caught your attention. Share the titles of the articles within your summary and discuss what you learned from each of the articles related to the topic. Consider each article in light of what youve learned in the course. That means, make connections to any element in the book that you can relate (and cite sources in-text). If relevant, please share your own personal experiences with the topics you chose.
Part 2
Think about your community wherever you call home. Do some internet research or phone book/phone call research to find out what resources are available to someone who is dealing with Intimate Partner Violence and/or Sexual Assault. Share the following: (a) What shelters exist, if any? (b) Do they admit men, women, children, pets? (c) What are the restrictions? (d) How long could someone stay? Share what you learned within this section after doing your research and also provide an overall conclusion about what you learned from doing this assignment.The link is in the instruction.ALL PAPERS should conform to academic format and follow APA standards with the exception of the History of Violence, Movie Paper, or Learning Analysis which do not need a cover page or abstract. The Movie Paper and the Articles and Community Resources paper should include in-text citations and references at the end. All papers should be double-spaced, 12-pt font (Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman ONLY), and have 1 margins. They should have been proof-read and spellchecked. Please indent the first line of each paragraph 5 spaces (or push the tab key on your computer). Please save all documents in doc, docx, or rtf formats. If a page length is designated, please write to the bottom of the page. Failure to format your paper correctly will result in the loss of points.