Discuss a companys proposed research and development methods.

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July 25, 2020
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July 25, 2020

Discuss a companys proposed research and development methods.

This assignment needs to be APA style, original, In text citation, do not apply unless you can deliver.Select one of the two following articles that discuss a companys proposed research and development methods.Write a 2 page paper noting what types of research you would use for a business project to be successful. What outcomes do you expect with using these types of business research?Craumer, M., Kelley, T., Pejovich, P., Duncan, L., & Kao, J. (2002). The Sputtering R&D Machine. Harvard Business Review, 80(8), 25-36. .Nohria, N. (2005). Feed R&Dor Farm It Out? Harvard Business Review, 83(7/8), 17-28. .Please allow me to know if you are able to open the link to the articles, info must come from the articles.