Read case of Hussein. He is having problem with sexual orientation.
In this paper, you need to prove effectiveness of Client Centered Therapy.
And how will you apply for Hussein case. (You need to be very specific).
Use all 4 of articles. 2 of them are research articles.
These are grading criteria.Please make sure you covers all of them.*Correct APA format in reference section and in body of paper
-3 points for reference section at end of section in correct APA format
-3 points for correct APA format in referencing articles in body of paper*Detailed description of therapy approach
@@@@@In this body section, explain how Client centered therapy addresses each points and explain how to apply to this specific case.
-When describe the approach, can do it in theory, but at some point need to apply it to your it in action-2 points for detailed description of how this approach addresses the therapy relationship
In addition to describing what it looks like, talk about how, according to the
theory, the relationship contributes to good outcomes
How is alliance established
How important is the relationship in this therapy?-2 points for detailed description of how this approach addresses assessment
Refers to how information is gathered
What information is deemed important in this school of thought
Can also include whether and how assessment is used throughout therapy-2 points for detailed description of how this approach addresses therapy goals
What goals typically set using this approach
What these goals specifically would look like for your client
How are goals established-2 points for detailed description of specific types of interventions and their rationale
This refers to how goals will be reached, techniques that will be used
Some specificity of what this might look like with your client-2 points for detailed description of how this approach addresses issues of diversity
What issues might come up with culturally diverse clients
If state that it can be adapted, what adaptations needed-10 points for an integration of what your 2 research articles say about the effectiveness and appropriateness of this approach, including attention to 1) nature of sample, what was being measured and how, 3) results
*4 points for clear writing styleBring in both articles for support
Answer the question, Why should we believe you?
Include measures, outcomes, participants, how intervention delivered
Dont rely on a quote to describe most of the studythat is your job!
In addition to reporting on the findings, provide interpretation of why these
Should support your using it with your client