1. Aim of the experiment
• Explain the aim of the experiment
2. Introduction
• Mention the experiment
• Explain the principle of the experiment
3. Equipment used
• List the equipment you used
4. Safety
• Did you consider any safety issues while carrying out the experiment? Explain.
5. . Method
• Provide any circuit diagram or diagram that you used
• Explain the formula and terms used with appropriate units
• Explain the procedure
6. Results
• Include the tables
• Attach the relevant graphs
• Show the working for each type of calculation
7. Uncertainties
• Explain the uncertainty involved in the experiment
• Error analysis should be provided here
8. Discussion
• Discuss your result (What result did you expect? What did you get? If you got unexpected result what went wrong? How it could have been rectified)
9. Conclusion
• Give your conclusion
10. Bibliography
I did the experiment my result is :
N X tan tan-1 sin
1 1.6 0.0302 1.729 0.03
2 3.1 0.0586 3.353 0.058
3 4.5 0.0869 4.9665 0.086
4 6.1 0.1153 6.5771 0.114
5 7.6 0.1436 8.1718 0.142