Different in phenotype between spores- somehaploed spores

Solution-Why is a diamond colorless but graphite is black
April 12, 2020
Solving microbiology questions
April 13, 2020

Different in phenotype between spores- somehaploed spores

You observed 15 asci with the pattern(SSSrSrrr)
Draw the recombination eventneatly
*This question was in reference to:

In a tetrad analysis of a new ascomyeteyou are observing a different in phenotype between spores- somehaploed spores are shaped like a square/cube (S) while other sporesare round (r). When a square-spored strain is crossed with around-spored starin, you observe 698 asci wht the pattern(SSSSrrrr), 245 sci with the pattern (SSrrSSrr), 122 asci with thepattern (SSrrrrSS), and 124 with the pattern (rrSSSSrr). What isthe recombination frequency?