differences of reporting, coverage and content

Topic: compartive political systems
May 18, 2020
Analysis of Complementary Therapy Study
May 18, 2020

differences of reporting, coverage and content

differences of reporting, coverage and content

The purpose of this article is to expose differences of reporting, coverage and content between your local press and international media. What the assignment asks you to do is four-fold: (1) Pick an article about an issue about your country as it is covered by two sources: one from your country and the other from an international media producer (such as New York Times, BBC, The Economist, etc.) I(2) Highlight the differences in framing (3) Contemplate and highlight the similarities and differences in company ownership structures (4) Come up with a critical claim based on your comparison about differences between local and global news production.

The article should (1) incorporate at least 3 distinct course ideas and readings (2) pay attention to citations (3) displays a nuanced understanding of the event