difference in self esteem among male and female college students

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difference in self esteem among male and female college students

difference in self esteem among male and female college students
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Case study on the topic must be used. Should include – begin by giving a some basic statistics of the problem or basic introduction of the topic and then get more specific. Once this is satisfied begin to tie together and build the case based on the empirical articles chosen. For each empirical article summarize (a) PURPOSE( The purpose of the study was to … (b) Sample-30 male , 30 female randomly selected and assigned to the control group(c) Method (instruments used, intervention if any (d) Design (ex quantitive study using a correlational designetc) (e) Result (ex. results revealed that eight students’ self-esteem improved, or researchers concluded that …and (g) finally summarize the empirical studies indicating the need for the study