Dietary Compliance to a Gluten-Free Diet: The Role of Understanding GFD

Market Mix Analysis
September 8, 2020
Escape from western diet
September 9, 2020

Dietary Compliance to a Gluten-Free Diet: The Role of Understanding GFD


Studies have clearly indicated that coeliac disease can be managed well only through the adoption and adherence to a gluten-free diet (GFD) in the entire life of the patient (Lee, NG, Zivin & Greene, 2007). However, issues of non-adherence have been rampant (Machado et al., 2013; Leffler et al., 2014). Non-adherence is now the main challenge to the treatment of coeliac disease, as the treatment is known. using a semi-structured questionnaire in a cross-sectional study. We expect to confirm that: 1). There are many factors, other than cost that affect adherence to GFDs, and 2), Knowledge/Understanding of GFDs promotes adherence. The research question is: What is the role of general understanding of GFDs in promoting adherence? The research hypotheses are: 1. General understanding of GFDs promotes adherence to a great extent, and 2). General understanding of GFDs does not promote adherence.


As noted by a number of researchers, and supported by scientific inquiry, it is very possible to treat coeliac disease if only people are taught, enabled, and supported to adhere to a gluten-free diet. With adherence being a big issue among patients suffering from coeliac disease, there is a great need to promote adherence. The promotion of adherence will be possible first by understanding the means through which such an objective can be achieved. The understanding of the multi-factors that affect adherence is a major step. At one point, these factors will narrow to the commitment of an individual patient. In that regard, the patient’s understanding of the role of using GFDs to treat coeliac disease, and having the general knowledge about GFDs matters a lot. Contrary to Lee et al.’s findings, a more recent study by Leffler et al. (2014) showed that 75.3% of the participants never regarded cost as a hindrance to adherence. These results show there is more than cost as far as adherence is concerned. 43.5% of the participants showed that a good understanding of GFDs promoted adherence. Considering the psychological and personal commitment needed in the adherence, it is likely that knowledge about GFDs plays a vital role in compliance.

Dependent Variable: Adherence to GFDs

Independent Variable: general knowledge/understanding of GFDs.

Theoretical Considerations

The paper will be based on the health belief model as proposed by (). Considering that this is a treatment issue regarding patients, understanding of the perceived benefits of the disease is likely to provoke adherence. In this case, the patients will consider the benefits of adhering rather than adherence, but this is possible if they understand the GFDs wholly. Indeed, their understanding will lead to their evaluation of the cues to action and self-efficacy.

Data and Research Methods:

The research will be a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted using semi-structured questionnaires among 100 coeliac patients that have been on GFDs for a period of not less than one year. Participants will be identified via simple random sampling in a support group setting. The researcher will collect qualitative data and analyze using the latest version of SPSS, and then run for regression analysis to establish the correlation between knowledge and adherence.

Expected Findings:

We expect to confirm that: 1). There are many factors, other than cost that affect adherence to GFDs, and 2), Knowledge/Understanding of GFDs promotes adherence.

Discussion and Implications

As per the hypothesis, adherence to GFDs can be promoted by educating patients about the GFDS, as well as the importance of compliance. If the results show that knowledge is not very significant in adherence, the research will propose further research to confirm the results and find more associated factors.



Hayden, A.J. (2013). Introduction to health behavior theory. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Barttlet Publishers.

Lee, A.R., NG D.L., Zivin, J., & Greene, P.H. (2007). Economic diet of a gluten-free diet.Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 20(5), 423-430.

Leffler, A.D., Edwards-George, J., Dennis, M., Schuppan, D., Cook, F., Blom-Hoffman, J… & Kelly, P.C. (2014). Factors that influence adherence to a gluten-free diet in adults with celiac disease. Disease Diagnosis Science, 53(6), 1573-1581.

Mahando, J., Gandolfi, L., Coutinho, F., Malta, L., Zandonadi, R., & Pratesi, R. (2013). Gluten-free dietary compliance in Brazilian celiac patients: questionnaire versus serological tests.Nutrition Clinica, 33(2), 46-49.