Dick Smith – company analysis report Academic Essay

Evaluation Report Academic Essay
August 19, 2020
August 19, 2020

Dick Smith – company analysis report Academic Essay

To be presented in a formal report format, including: o Title page
o Executive Summary
o Table of contents
o Introduction
o Body of report
o Conclusion and recommendations o Reference list
o Appendices
Other formats:
Double line spacing, font size 12 in Arial or Times New Roman, Harvard referencing style
The tasks:
1. Choose DICK SMITH company and its failure towards its stakeholders
• Failure can be due to an unethical behaviour, and/or a grossly
incompetent behaviour of a group or individual personnel within the
• Stakeholders include employees, customers/clients, suppliers,
governments, community, shareholders, …)
2. Briefly describe:
a) What happened
b) The contextual factors
c) Identified & describe the unique perspectives of the stakeholders,
o Analyse the conflicts of interest between the stakeholders
o Consequences of the failure towards its stakeholders
(Note: Back up your descriptions with facts drawn from the source(s) of information about the company and its failure.)
3. Identify the organisational behaviour factors (OB factors) that contributed to the failure (You already have done part of it for your Annotated Bibliography)
4. Analyse the identified OB factors using the relevant OB concepts, OB theories, and OB processes drawn from the academic journal articles that you searched for assessments 1 & 2, and from your textbook.

Conduct a SWOT study of the company:
a) Analyse the company’s strength & weakness of its internal resources: o i.e., its culture, structure, systems (including mission and strategies,
policies and procedures, its technology and knowledge management,
its human resources and financial resources;
o Company’s issues (any part of its internal resources that contributed
to the failure)
b) Analysing its opportunities and threats induced by the external forces:
o i.e., political, economical, legal, technological, social factors, etc.
o Current situations (opportunities) and strategic challenges (threats)
contributed to the failure
6. Describe what remedial actions the company did to address the failure:
a) Evaluate the effectiveness of these remedial actions taken by the company
b) Support your arguments in your evaluation based on the OB concepts, OB
theories, OB processes drawn from the academic journal articles searched
for Assessments 1 & 2
c) Recommend what could have been done better and/or moving forward.
o Recommendations must be specific, viable, practicable, and
o Recommendations must address the OB factors that contributed to the
o Recommendations must be supported by OB concepts, OB theories,
OB processes drawn from the academic journal articles searched for Assessments 1 & 2, and your textbook.
7. Produce an Executive Summary (about half a page to a page length) Succinctly sum up the key elements of your report for those executives who may not have time to go through the full report but need to get a quick and a good grasp of what the report says. The executive summary should include the following:
o Background
o Purpose of the report
o Key findings (including outcomes of the SWOT study), and o Recommendations
* Refer details for this assessment shown in the unit outline.
** Refer rubric for this assessment shown in Appendix B in the unit outline.
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Posted on May 20, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions