Economic Debates
May 20, 2020
United Kingdom(UK).
May 20, 2020

Dialectic Essay


write a series of thesis-antithesis arguments. You will argue a side of a discussion and then take up the opposing
side and eloquently craft a response. simply state a side and then write the inverse. Instead, you should invent the
most compelling defense of either side. This will require you to think creatively for both sides and not just one.
Where students misstep here is in the unfortunate habit of writing weak counterpoints €“ something stupid that’s easy
to rip apart. Right? We’ve all done this.
USE these book, short stories, and poems for this essay.


William Carlos Williams: The Use of Force

Harrison Bergeron

Blood Burning Moon

How Target Knows What You Want Before you Do (search for this one and use whatever you find)I don’t have the
link..Send me an email if you want me to send you a copy of this one..It’s a lot though€¦

And these Short POEMS€¦by William Blake
The Echoing Green


The Little Vagabond

Lauging Song

1)invasion of privacy versus convenience and safety
2) the Social Contract versus personal liberty
3) conformity versus individualism.
4) Try to add one more point vs. counterpoint theme ..Thank You