Develop a sample response to the top five interview questions from both of your articles

Workforce Disability
July 16, 2020
Choose a major retailer
July 16, 2020

Develop a sample response to the top five interview questions from both of your articles


Conduct a WebQuest or other Web search to find two articles that list, discuss, and give advice on job interview questions (both those you are likely to be asked and those you might ask an interviewer in return).


List the top five questions asked on an interview according to your two articles.


Summarize both articles, noting the information that you found most useful.


Develop a sample response to the top five interview questions from both of your articles.


Prepare a list of five questions to ask the interviewer. Avoid questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. They limit discussion. Instead, generate questions that will draw the interviewer out so that you can learn even more about the company, its products, and the benefits to you if you decide to work there. It is especially effective to include a preface statement or two that shows some knowledge you already have about the company, followed by a question asking for more detail. You may refer to your text for examples.
