Develop a prevention program on adolescent drug use

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March 23, 2020
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March 23, 2020

Develop a prevention program on adolescent drug use

Title: (Come up with one by completing the sentence: “The purpose of this paper is…”)

Introduction: Describe the criminal behavior that will include rates, description of perpetrators, recidivism rates among perpetrators, and any specifics related to the behavior such as victims, treatment costs and so on.

Articulate the primary/research question be explored:
1. Introduce the idea that the prevention program is based on a particular psychologial theory.
2. Detail the importance of both the problem and the proposed research into it.
3. Describe the scope of the research. Narrow down the focus to specifics, not broad generalities. What do you want to illustrate?
4. How would you expect the results of the review be applied? What will the research results do for you/others (e.g. how might things change.

Methodology of current prevention and treatment program: Describe the known risk factors associated with the behavior and treatment and prevention programs currently in operation. This subheading should discuss the success rates for treatment and prevention programs as well as the underlying psychological theories for treatment and prevention programs.

Analysis and discussion on proposed prevention strategy: Provide details on the prevention strategy you are proposing. The strategy should be clearly tied to a psychological theory, and the theory should provide the rationale for the prevention strategy. You want to lay out the practical details of your prevention strategy such as staffing, target population, length of the program, staffing and estimated costs.

Summary: This should be a brief conclusion to your paper.

References: Each listed in correct APA format