Determining risk of developing type 2 diabetes

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Determining risk of developing type 2 diabetes

In Cape York community with population of 31,357 (male: female ratio=49:51), at beginning of 2003, there were 4,908 female type 2 diabetics and 3,093 male type 2 diabetics. At beginning of 2005, there were an additional 304 female type 2 diabetics and an additional 213 male type 2 diabetics.

a) State the sex-specific prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the community at the beginning of 2003?

b) Specify the sex-specific prevalence of type 2 diabetes within the community at the beginning of 2005?

c) Describe the most suitable measure of incidence of diabetes in this scenario?

d) Find the risk (ie measure of Incidence identified in part c) of developing type 2 diabetes among females in this community.

e) Find the risk (ie measure of Incidence identified in part c) of developing type 2 diabetes among males in this community.