Determining fraction of the gametes

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May 1, 2020
Solution-One of the components is bovine serum albumin
May 1, 2020

Determining fraction of the gametes

Consider two gene loci in the mouse, locus 1 and locus 2. Each locus is on a different, nonhomologous autosomal chromosome . Alleles at locus 1 influence fur color. Allele A is for black and allele a is for white. Allele A is completely dominant to allele a . Alleles at locus 2 influence stature; allele B is for tall and allele b is for short. Allele B is completely dominant to allele b.
Mouse 1, genotype Aa Bb, mates with female mice , genotype Aa Bb; 100 progeny are produced.

___: What fraction of the gametes from mouse 1 is expected to be genotype Ab ?
___: What fraction of the gametes from mouse 1 is expected to have allele a ?
___: What fraction of the progeny is expected to be true-breeding for both stature and black fur?
___: How many progeny are expected to be tall with white fur? Show your calculations.
___: How many progeny are expected to be heterozygous at both loci? Show your calculations.
___: If you randomly choose two progeny mice, one at a time, what is the probability that both mice are tall and white? Show your calculations.