Determine unambiguously which trait is dominant

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April 11, 2020

Determine unambiguously which trait is dominant

Assume you are researching flower genetics. You find a plant with a blue flower and another with a white flower.When you mate them, they have many offspring, half the offspring have blue flowers and half have white flowers. Is it possible to do one mating which will determine unambiguously which trait is dominant? is not possible to do so. B. mate the blue and white offspring to each other,whatever color their offspring turn out to be is dominant. C.mate the white offspring with itself.if all its offspring are white, white is dominant,if any blues appears, then blue is dominant. D.mate the white offspring with itself.if all its offspring are white, white is recessive,if any blues appears, then blue is recessive. E. none of the experiments listed above will work out but some other mating will work.