Determine the appropriate adult day care model

Explain the three elements necessary to spread infection
April 14, 2020
Solute showing highest rate of diffusion
April 14, 2020

Determine the appropriate adult day care model

1: the wellness model is built on which of the following?
a: intervention
b: adequate public health and social services
c: understanding risk factors
d:all of the above

2:john snow is famous for ?
a:tracing the risk of cholera outbreaks in london to the broad street pump.
b:inventing antibiotics
c:indentifying asbestos as a toxic substance
d: being the first leader of the environmental protection agency

3: when the first public health infrastructure was being established in the us, it was recomended that _______________ be established?
a:sanitary standards
b:a federal agency to oversee public health functions
c:a public health infrastructure was lacking
d:a presidential commission

4:in the us public health and private practice of medicene developed seprately because
a: americans favored private delievery of medical care over public health.
b:physicians were skeptical of the government taking control of medical practice.
c:a public health infrastructure was lacking
d:the practice of public health was not based on scientific methods.

5:what main purpose do clinical practice guidelines serve?
a: they ensure that services delievered are cost effective
b:they coordinate the delivery of htalth care between different practitioners
c:they assist practitioners in adopting a best practice approach.
d: they provide incentives for using standard protocols

6: they made additional resources availble to the FDA and resulted in a shortened approval process for new drugs?
a:kefauver- harris drug amendments 1962
b: food and drug administration modernization act 1997
c:orphan drug act 1983
d: prescription drug user fee act 1992

7: under the DRG method of reimbursement , an acute care hospital is paid
a: a per dime rate based on the drg classification
b: a fixed amount for a particular DRG classification
c: a fixed amount for each day of care
d: an amount determined by resources used in treating a patient.

8: when an MCO adopts capitation as the primary method of payment, which service is likely to be carved out?
a: speciality care
b: gatekeeping
c: mental health
d: primary care

9: which adult day care model is the most appropriate for a patient who is recovering from a recent stroke?
a:social psycologial
b:health maintance
c: health promotion
d: health rehabiliative

10:most nursing homes in the us
a: have snf certification
b:have NF certification
c:are dually certified
d:are noncertified

11:how did americans with pre existing medical conditions obtaine health insurance before the passage of the patient protection and affordable care act?
a: through state high risk pools
b: through a special federal program
c:through insurance exchanges
d: they could not get health insurance