Determine number of loci controlling a quantitative trait

Solution-What is the name of the disease or condition
April 24, 2020
What kind of genetic interaction is seen here
April 24, 2020

Determine number of loci controlling a quantitative trait

1. For a quantitative trait, how can two different genotypes produce the same phenotype?
2. How can you determine the number of loci (genes) controlling a quantitative trait (Castle-Wright)?
3. What is the difference between a population and a sample? What makes a good sample?
4. What’s a normal distribution?
5. If you have a normal distribution, then 1 sd explains how much of your data set? 2 sd? 3 sd?
6. What is the difference between a positive and negative correlation?
7. What are the components of Phenotypic Variance?
8. What are the components of Genetic Variance?
9. What is a QTL and how do you identify them? How do you set up the experiment?