Determine how this information can be used to shed light on the impact of corporate social responsibility on company performance.

Case study of public management:
May 14, 2020
Please apply the 5 caring process and give example how to care for cardiac patients per her theory.
May 14, 2020

Determine how this information can be used to shed light on the impact of corporate social responsibility on company performance.


Then write a report for JP Drew which addresses these issues.

Remember, the Directors of JP Drew are not experts in statistical analysis. Hence you will need to explain what you are doing and why, as well as the meaning of your results.
(a) A graphical representation of the data and a discussion of any issues or patterns which arise from this
exercise. It would be for you to decide upon the exact data to use and the appropriate graph(s).

(b) Univariate and bivariate analysis and discussion which considers the effects of CSR on company

(c) Multivariate analysis and associated discussion which makes use of the data shown in Appendix I.

(d) Any other issues, problems or additional complications which you feel should be conveyed to the  Directors of JP Drew with respect to your analysis.