Destination Marketing Strategy of Gold Coast

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Destination Marketing Strategy of Gold Coast

Topic: Destination Marketing Strategy of Gold Coast

Approx 6000 words

Each group (3) of students must develop a marketing strategy for an Australian destination of their choice (not Melbourne).  The reports will be in the format of a professional report (including a 300 word abstract) and should have all the components of a marketing strategy.

Destination Marketing Strategy Components:
Destination analysis
€¢    Outline of the prevailing business environment and how it impacts on the destination
o    SWOT Analysis
€¢    Key components of the destination to be promoted
o    Justification for their inclusion
€¢    Evaluation of existing promotional material associated with the destination and of its competitors
o    Evaluate three competitors

Discussion of the assumptions made in the report
€¢    Budget, including how this will be funded
o    Based on realistic costing guide distributed in class
€¢    Expected support from the surrounding attractions and infrastructure
o    Financial support
o    In-kind support
o    Possible networking/cluster relationships

Target market
€¢    Justification for the market to be targeted (both in terms of attraction to the destination and the type of advertising campaign)
o    Demographic and psychographic characteristics

€¢    Justification for the branding theme based on the target market and key components of the destination
€¢    Key phrases, images and promotional theme to be used to reinforce this theme

Advertising/Promotional campaign
€¢    Where and how will the destination be promoted (action plan/timeline)
€¢    How will this promotion target the desired audience
€¢    Cost of advertising outline

€¢    Monitoring the effectiveness of the strategy