Describing three types of media that would be appropriate for each audience and why you selected each type.

Discuss The Making of an Environmental Activist. in the Supplemental reading link.
July 24, 2020
Describe this source in some detail: what is the source? Who wrote it.
July 24, 2020

Describing three types of media that would be appropriate for each audience and why you selected each type.

I have an assignment due today.Part 1When completing the worksheet, use a variety of multimedia from the following list: objects, models, video, WebEx, Prezi, PowerPoint, Speaker, Transparencies, Flip Charts, Handouts, etc. the table for each audience by:Part 2 this outline to help you prepare your informative presentation in Weeks 2 and 3. Complete the outline for your presentation. You will write out the introduction and conclusion, which you will record Week 2 in YouSeeU. Your speech should have at least two body sections, with supporting points. Answer the following reflective questions