Describe the scenarios under which each of these audit opinions.

Chapter 8;Prospective Analysis: Valuation Implementation.
July 20, 2020
Explain what connections do they have to management principles or concepts? What potential solutions did you devise.
July 20, 2020

Describe the scenarios under which each of these audit opinions.

Please write a four to five page paper regarding the four types of audit opinion:
Unqualified Opinion
Qualified Opinion
Adverse Opinion
Disclaimer Opinion.
Include the following:
Describe the scenarios under which each of these audit opinions
How do investors react to these different audit opinions
Provide examples of real organizations for each of these opinions
What are the consequences or benefits an organization may encounter as a result of each of these opinions
Provide examples of real organizations for each of these opinionsPlease provide at least five outside resources used to write the paper. These sources should cited using the APA formatting guidelines including in-text citations provided throughout the paper where information is taken from these resources.