For your Research Project, you will be combining all parts that you have worked on from Weeks One through Five. Your paper should be formatted as follows:Part 1: IntroductionBackground information about your research project (Week One)Describe the management dilemma (Week One)Ethical Concerns (Week Two)Develop and explain your hypothesis (Week One)Part 2: Literature reviewBackground research on at least three scholarly sources (Week One)Part 3: DataSecondary data (Week Three)Measurement benchmark and scales (Week Three)Plans for using observations, focus groups, interviews, or surveys (Week Four)Plans for analyzing data (Week Five)Plans for how to analyze results (Week Five)Part 4: ResultsSummarize and display the results of your research. Provide charts, graphs, tables, and so forth, as they might apply to your research.State whether you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis based on your study; explain.Part 5: ConclusionSummarize the entire study and reflect on itConsider the take-home message that management and other decision makers can use from this research to make informed business decisions.Include the strengths and weaknesses of the study and suggestions for future research.