Describe the leadership, environment, and process factors specific to both individuals as well as teams that contribute to a creative climate.

Within the study of sociology, there are four different types of research methods. Briefly describe each in your own words, and generate an example of
July 31, 2020
Literary analysis
July 31, 2020

Describe the leadership, environment, and process factors specific to both individuals as well as teams that contribute to a creative climate.

While you may never have heard of the design firm IDEO, you have likely heard of and even used products that it envisioned, including some of the very first computer mice. How does a company consistently generate groundbreaking ideas over the long term? One of the first steps, of course, is to recruit the best and most creative employees. Once those employees have joined the organization, however, there is still more that a company must do to support creativity and create a fertile ground for innovation. In this weeks Discussion, you will be sharing experiences you have had in participating in creative work environments.For this weeks Shared Practice, read the following case study, Creative climate: Work environment allows IDEO to deliver promise of innovation. Examine how IDEO combines the elements of leadership, work environment, and processes in ways that harness the creativity of its employees and project teams. Then, think of an organization where you have worked, currently work, or one with which you are familiar. Consider how the organization compares with IDEO in supporting a creative climate. by a response that includes the following, using an organization for which you work, have worked, or with which you are familiar: