Describe the job and the selection system for which you will be proposing changes

Describe a physical trait you possess that you could potentially pass on to your own children
July 11, 2020
Assignment: Video Reflection
July 11, 2020

Describe the job and the selection system for which you will be proposing changes

The purpose of this assignment is to give you first-hand experience in analyzing a job and developing a job description and job competencies list. You will be analyzing the job of one of the other students in this class. It doesn’t matter what type of job the student does – if the student is not working, analyze the job he or she hopes to have upon graduation.

Using the techniques presented in class, you will conduct a job requirements analysis, and use that information to develop a combined job description/job specification.

Your final report should contain the following sections:

1. The Job – What job (job title) did you choose to study and why?

2. The Methods Used – What methods did you use (prior information, observation, interviews, task questionnaires, committee, combinations of these), and exactly how did you use them?

3. The Sources Used – What sources did you use (job analyst, job incumbent, supervisor, subject matter experts, combinations of these), and exactly how did you use them?

4. The Process Used – How did you go about gathering, synthesizing, and reporting the information? 


5. The Matrix – Present the actual job requirements matrix.

6. The Job Description/Specification – Take the information from the job requirements matrix and turn it into a completed job description. Your goal is to use the job requirements job analysis approach to develop a job description containing:

Essential Job Functions (Duty Areas)
Job Tasks and Duties
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Used to Do the Job
Physical Requirements of the Job
Equipment Used on the Job
Supervision/Contacts for the Job
Career Path Associated with Job
Competencies Required for Career Path

You must also include steps 1-5 above.

Testing & Selection Homework
Human Resource Evaluation
Due: Wednesday of 7th Week

The company where you did your job analysis assignment has hired you to improve their current selection and performance management systems. To illustrate your skills in this area, you will present a proposal for a new selection system for this job. Your proposal will be written to the Director of Human Resource Management, and you will need to respond to EACH of the following items in your proposal:

1. Describe the job and the selection system for which you will be proposing changes. Start by reviewing the major job tasks and skills, as defined in the job description. Next, tell me how job applicants are currently recruited, screened, and selected.

2. Evaluate the current selection system for this job. This would include observations about legal liabilities, current job analyses and descriptions for the job, reliability and validity information, appropriateness and completeness of current methods of selection. If tests and formal interviews are currently being used for selection, include a copy of them in APPENDIX A. If you cannot obtain complete information, at least include sample questions.

3. Propose how you would improve the selection system for this job. Include in your proposal:

a. A discussion of necessary preparatory stages (e.g., Would you need to do further job analysis, and if so, what steps would you take? What additional information would be needed to do your work?)

b. A description of the predictors you would use in the selection system. Be sure to consider interviews and job-related skill assessment tests in addition to paper and pencil tests. Explain in detail why you think these predictors are appropriate for the job at hand, including information on validity and reliability (note that content validity information is one way of establishing validity when predictive validity information is not available.) You must cite at least one current reference outside of your text book for each proposed selection technique. Be sure to provide a complete citation with each reference, including the author’s names, the title of the article, the publication title, the publication date, and the page numbers. Include a copy of each of the tests/interviews you are proposing to use in APPENDIX B. If you do not have or cannot obtain a complete copy of the test, at least put sample questions in the appendix.

c. A description of the steps you would take to evaluate the reliability and predictive validity of the tests for your particular job in your particular company. Include specific information in this section, especially the criterion measures you propose using to test the validity of the predictors and how they will be collected.

Basic information on using the Internet to find tests is given below.

Start with Google – look to see what types of websites come up when you put in words related to the type of test you want to use. For example, ‘selection test electrical manager’ results in multiple hits.
Go through the pages presented on Google, and look to see whether or not the companies presented on those pages are reputable. Seek out information such as the education level of the company personnel, sample items from tests, the availability of validity information, etc. Don’t be afraid to play with your keywords until you start finding the kinds of tests that are right for your job.
Another place to look for tests is in advertisements in professional journals. Test publishers who specialize in a particular type of test will often advertise in the professional journals for that field.
The following websites contain a vast store of valuable information related to identifying and selecting tests:
How to Select Tests: HYPERLINK
Overview – Principles of Assessment: HYPERLINK
Overview – Selection: HYPERLINK

Online Test Information: HYPERLINK
PanTesting Website (tests and manuals): HYPERLINK
Be sure to note reference resources in the How to Select Tests website – Mental Measurements Yearbook, Tests in Print, and Test Critiques are all valuable sources of information when looking for a test.

Performance Management Homework
Management 3616 Due: Last class

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a performance management process for an existing job, have a manager give you feedback on the process, then use the process and evaluate its effectiveness for yourself. The assignment will involve establishing methods for planning performance, providing feedback during the execution of performance, assessing performance, reviewing performance, and renewing and recontracting performance.

Part I – Create a performance management instrument/process.

Using your job description, and any additional materials you have at hand (e.g. past performance reviews, strategic planning documents, training materials, etc.), create a performance management process. The performance management process should include the following components:

1) Identify the purpose of rating – tell me how the rating system you are proposing will be used. Ratings that are done for developmental purposes are less likely to have an overall summary number as a final result, and are more likely to focus on how to help the employee improve after the rating has been given (thus, they may include developmental plans, educational goals, etc.) Ratings that are done for personnel decisions vary depending on the type of personnel decision made. For example, a raise-related rating may be a single number that expresses an overall performance level, whereas a layoff rating may involve ranking employees.

personnel decisions

2) Identify the people who have first-hand information about performance – who will participate in the performance management process. These are people you might talk with when determining performance expectations in step 3 below. Remember that you may need to consult with multiple people to get a complete picture of an employee’s overall performance.


3) Establish performance expectations.

be sure expectations are job related
align expectations with corporate goals
set expectations at satisfactory level
expectations should include both hard numbers and behaviors
make sure that expectations are consistent across all people who perform the job
involve people with information about performance in setting expectations
establish the circumstances under which the expectations are required to be met
distribute finalized expectations (including purpose of appraisal) to employees
4) Create process for collecting and giving feedback on performance information

determine who collects information, and from whom they collect it
who has the ability to rate performance information in comparison to standards?
who has information about performance?
determine the rating scale that will be used in documenting performance. Consider using the following four-point scale, as follows:
1 = Does Not Meet Expectations
2 = Meets Expectations
3 = Exceeds Expectations
4 = Far Exceeds Expectations

create any forms that will be needed for data collection and the final performance appraisal report
determine how employee will get feedback on performance
feedback must be given as close in time as possible to actual performance
feedback must contain constructive suggestions for improvement
determine other means of collecting information
technical approaches (computer monitoring, etc.)
routine reports
create a communication process
training in giving feedback
training in using/accepting feedback
determine how performance information will be documented, collected, and stored
5) Establish results of performance appraisal process

Determine who will create an overall rating of performance
eliminate bias
Determine how rating will be used
Establish process for combining performance information to create overall rating
averaging (best for evaluation)
emerging themes (best for development)
Create documentation & storage process for final ratings
Create links between rating and outcomes/rewards (note that ratings are rarely the ONLY criteria for personnel decisions – other factors should be identified and communicated.)

6) Feedback (Part II)

Determine when performance rating will be given
Determine how performance rating will be given (paper, in person, both)
Determine process for incorporating employee feedback into communication process (add listening to process.)

7) Establish an appeals process

Identify what employees should do when they disagree with rating

Part II – Evaluate your performance management process

The purpose of this part of the assignment is to give you feedback on your work – in particular to find out how well your theoretical process might work in the real world. There are two ways of doing this, do both.

First, use the process you have developed to evaluate someone’s performance. Using the forms and communication processes you have developed, either get feedback on your own work, or give someone else feedback on their work. It is likely that you will have to involve a supervisor (either your own or someone else’s) in this process. To do that, explain clearly that you have created a new process for a class, and that your professor has asked you to get feedback on how well it works. Be sure that everyone concerned knows that any information given will be for the class project only, and offer to sign a statement to that effect if necessary.
The second part of the evaluation process will be to get comments from the people who might use your process – both reviewers (managers) and reviewees (employees.) Talk to at least two people who might use the performance management form, and two people who might be reviewed using that form. Find out from them what they think of the process in terms of:
usability (time needed to complete, complexity of process, etc.)

Using the information above, assess the effectiveness of your proposed performance management process, and recommend any changes you would like to make to the process to make it more effective in the future.

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