Describe the different types of play and the benefits play provides to young children.

Comparison of juvenile courts and adult courts Effects of juveniles being tried as adults One current issue in the juvenile justice system and your op
July 23, 2020
Do you have ethical responsibilities to Sharon and Darryl? Explain. If there are ethical responsibilities, what are they?
July 23, 2020

Describe the different types of play and the benefits play provides to young children.

Discuss the nature of aggressive behavior during the preschool years, the roots of aggression as explained by the biological, social learning, and cognitive perspectives, and the factors that influence the expression of aggression in young children. Use the Roben et al. (2013) article in your discussion.Describe the different types of play and the benefits play provides to young children. Using the article by Recchia et al. (2013), describe differences in play and relationships with friends and with siblings. What are the implications?
Explain racial, gender, and cultural differences in attributions of success and failure, and discuss how these subjective interpretations, by self and others, contribute to school outcomes. Be sure to relate the findings of Cheung et al. (2103) to your discussion.Discuss ways that parents, counselors and teachers can foster childrens social
competence. Relate this to the research on bullying using the Olweus (2013) article.
Imagine that you are working for a suicide hotline. You have a potentially suicidal adolescent on the phone, and you are training people to take calls. This call is a demonstration, so you must clearly explain to your trainees what should and should not be done when confronted with a potentially suicidal individual. Then using the Karevold et al. (2009) article and your textbook, describe to your trainees the potential predictors and pathways to adolescent anxiety and depression