To guide your research for your individual outline and your discussion next week, your group should decide which questions need to be answered during Step 2 (Analysis of the Problem). Your text lists the following questions. You may select any or all of the following questions to answer during your in-class discussion next week and possibly add your own questions.Why has it become as issue?
How much longer before action must be taken
How is the money used; how can it be cut?
How long has the problem been in existence?
How widespread is the problem?
What are the causes of the problem? The effects?
Who is harmed by the problem?
What methods already exist for managing the problem?
Additional questions ???Requirements:
Your group will complete a problem-solving panel discussion(in class & online) on a policy question that is of interest to you and your audience. The objective of this assignment is for you to practice consensus-building as it relates to group problem-solving.Your group should first select a question of policy that is of interest to your group members and to your audience. The policy question should be one that allows you to provide a mix of evidence (e.g. examples, stories, statistics, and expert testimony) and opinion. Example: What should schools do to lower the rate of child obesity? Make sure that your question is not too broad in scope.Each group member must research the topic/problem and organize an outline using Deweys 6 Steps to Reflective Thinking as explained below.I. Identify and Define the Problem (Step 1): Phrase the topic as a policy question (before the discussion). During the discussion, you should define terms in your question as well as unfamiliar terms that might come up during the discussion.
II. Analyze the Problem (Step 2): Before the class discussion, identify relevant questions (pg. 48) and provide necessary ideas and evident (examples, stories, statistics, and expert testimony) on your outline to answer the questions.
III. Standards/Criteria (Step 3): List the standards or guidelines that you feel your solution must meet. Standards usually begin with Our solution should)see text/electronic reserve for examples.
IV. Possible Solutions (Step 4): You should provide 5-10 possible solutions to your problem.
V. Best Solution (Step 5): Look at your list of possible solutions and your information for Steps 2 + 3 and then decide what you think is the best solution(s) to your problem. Keep in mind that when your group collaborates on this step, you might see the benefits of other solutions.
VI. Implementation and Testing (Step 6): Describe how you would go about implementing and testing your solution for effectiveness. Again, keep in mind that this might change when your group collaborates on this step.
You must bring your 6 step outline to our next class (Note: Step 2 should be your longest step). You will use your outline in class foryour panel discussion. If all group members come to class prepared, your group should have lots of information and ideas to share (about 20 minutes). After the in-class panel discussion, you must hand in your 6 step outline (10 pts.).After the in class discussion, you are now ready to communicate as a group online. Before you begin your online discussion, your group must select a recorder who will create a Google Doc/Drive for your group. The recorder should begin the Google Doc with a summary of step 3 and then share the document with the group members and me (). Group members should be given editing rights.IN CLASS Problem-solving Panel Discussion Criteria Sheet
Name: Topic: Time:____Organization (6 points) Group Grade
_____ Did moderator provide a brief introduction to the topic and to the panel?
_____ Were relevant terms defined in an extemporaneous manner? Step 1
_____ Were questions answered (with some evidence) to analyze the problem? Step 2
_____ Were relevant standards/criteria for the solutions established? Step 3_______________
Content for Steps 1 + 2 (8 points) Individual Grade
_____ Was there an adequate amount of information provided (examples, stats, testimony)?
_____ Was a variety of evidence provided (examples, stats, personal & expert testimony)?
_____ Was the information unambiguous and presented in an extemporaneous manner?
_____ Was the information presented relevant to the topic and the question?
_____ Were at least 2 sources cited during the in class discussion when evidence was provided?
_____ Was the source(s) credible?
Outline (10 points):
_____ Did the outline include 6 steps?
_____ Were at least three sources identified at the end of the outline using MLA format?____
Cooperative Thinking (10 points) Individual Grade
_____ Was the amount of interaction equal with other members?
_____ Were a variety of task and maintenance roles performed?
Idea/Info. Supplier___ Encourager___ Initiator___
Idea/Info. Seeker___ Harmonizer___ Elaborator___
Clarifier___ Evaluator___ Gatekeeper___
______Coordinator___ Dominator___ Withdrawer________________
Speaking Ability (10 points) Individual Grade
_____ Did the speaker maintain eye contact with the group members (talking/listening)?
_____ Were notes used appropriately?
_____ Was the rate and volume appropriate for the audience?
_____ Did gestures complement the ideas and was body posture attentive?
_____ Was the speaker enthusiastic (physically and vocally)?_________________________
Overall Effectiveness (6 points) Group Grade
_____ Was an appropriate topic/question of policy selected for the audience?
_____ Did the panel handle the question/answer session effectively?
_____ Did group members interact with each other?
_____ Was the in class presentation dynamic? Were members enthusiastic?In Class Score: /50ONLINE Problem-solving Panel Discussion Criteria Sheet
Organization (11 points) Individual Grade
_____ Did you list at least 5 possible solutions? Step 4
_____ Did you help the group arrive at a best solution? Step 5
_____ Did you help the group plan implementation + testing? Step 6
_____ Did you complete each step in a timely manner?_________________________________Cooperative Thinking (10 points) Individual Grade
_____ Was the amount of interaction equal with other members?
_____ Were a variety of task and maintenance roles performed?
Idea/Info. Supplier___ Encourager___ Initiator___
Idea/Info. Seeker___ Elaborator___ Gatekeeper___
Clarifier___ Evaluator___
______________Dominator___ Withdrawer________________________________Overall Effectiveness (4 points) Group Grade
_____ Was the question of policy clearly answered by the group?
_____ Did the group make sure that the solution meets the standards/criteria?In Class Score: /50
Online Score: /25
Final Grade: /75 points