Describe a specific insight or awareness about the human condition that youve gleaned from any two pieces of literature weve read so far.

July 20, 2020
Case Analysis
July 20, 2020

Describe a specific insight or awareness about the human condition that youve gleaned from any two pieces of literature weve read so far.

ESSAY ONE: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TWO PIECES OF LITERATURE In a 1200-1400 word essay, describe a specific insight or awareness about the human condition that youve gleaned from any two pieces of literature weve read so far. You may choose to compare two short stories, two poems, or a short story and a poem. Specific points of your essay should reflect your understanding of the seven Elements of Fiction discussed in chapter three of your text and should provide comparisons of how the stories impart similar meaning. Be sure to include a works cited page in which you list your primary texts. This essay must follow MLA conventions stories to use: a good man is hard to find by Flannery O connor and Good country people Elements of fiction : symbolism and irony