Dental School Personal Statement Academic Essay

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Dental School Personal Statement Academic Essay

To whom this may concern,

This is a personal statement for dental school application, and I really need help in brining the different paragraphs together in a nice and convincing flow. When you read this essay, it may sound like you are reading 5 different essays crunched together with the events taking place all over different times. This is largely due to the fact that majority of the dentistry related activities that I partook was done prior to my pursuit of dentistry, which makes it difficult/strange to incorporate these extracurricular activities in the essay. For this reason, I need someone creative to take help me with this essay. Feel free to rearrange the paragraphs. Feel free to take away words and sentences to create a flow, and etc.

Secondly, please keep in mind that I am trying to make the introduction and conclusion grab the reader, to show and not tell my story, to perfect all transitions, and to not be too emotionally appealing. If you can help me achieve this, then I would be grateful.

With that, I have added some personal statement topics for your view:

ADEA: “The Admissions Committee members who read your essay are looking for individuals who are motivated, academically prepared, articulate, socially conscious, and knowledgeable about the profession. Write about your experiences and any qualities that will make you stand out.”
• Be honest about how you became interested in studying dentistry.
• Explain what you’ve done to demonstrate your interest in dentistry.
• Do you have any special talents or leadership skills that could apply to the practice of dentistry?
• Express your commitment to helping others and mention any efforts made that enforce that commitment.
• Did you have to work to pay for your education? How has that made you a stronger applicant?

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions