Demonstrates your thought process and steps used to analyze the problem.

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July 25, 2020
Explain two specific roles that the government plays in terms of regulating this merger.
July 25, 2020

Demonstrates your thought process and steps used to analyze the problem.

Question 1
Using Powerpoint, Word, Visio or any other graphical editor that allows you to create shapes and arrows, create a simple flow chart that provides the functionality for this pseudocode:
Write Enter the price in dollars:
Input Price
Write Enter state sales tax(e.g. .06) :
Input SalesTax
Set Price = Price + (Price * SalesTax)
Write Price with Tax is + Price
Also, Provide a test case that you could use to validate your algorithm. (For example, what values for input would you use and what would the resulting output be for those input values)
Attach or embed your flow chart along with your test case as a response to this discussion topic.Question 2
n everyday life we are all faced with many choices we must make on a daily basis.
Provide an Algorithm for your real world decision you must make on a daily basis that involves 2 or more choices
Provide your C code that implements your real world decision (be sure to utilize proper formatting and spacing to enhance your codes clarity, and applicable comments)
Explain your logic for the conditional statement you decided to use
Provide feedback to fellow students submission that involves converting their conditional statement to another conditional statement formQuestion 3Work- homework
Homework 2
In this homework, you will design a program to perform the following task:
Calculate the total price based on several key parts required to build a state-of-the-art gaming computer. The user will have the option of selecting different parts. For example, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Mac OS/X for Operating systems, 4 GB, 8 GB or 12 GB for RAM and 15,17 or 22 Monitors.
There are 5 components of your submission including:
Program Description- A detailed, clear description of the program you are building.
Analysis- Demonstrates your thought process and steps used to analyze the problem. Be sure to include the required input and output and how you will obtain the required output from the given input? Also, include your variable names and definitions. Be sure to describe the necessary formulas and sample calculations that might be needed. You should talk about how you determined your computer part prices.
Test plan Prepare at least 3 sets of input data (Test data) along with their expected output for testing your program. Your test data can be presented in the form of a table as follows (note: feel free to adapt to your design)
Flowchart Provide a flowchart for your design. You can use Word, Powerpoint, Visio or any software you have available that will allow to draw shapes and connectors.
Pseudocode- Provide pseudocode of your overall design that fulfills the requirements of the project
All of these components should be placed in word document for submission.
Additional details about the program you need to write:
You should research current prices of the computer parts on Internet sites such as or
You can assume a computer will consist of the following components:
Power supply
Hard Drive
Sound Card
Graphics Card
Operating System
I would recommend you keep the option choices limited to 3 different components, or your program will really grow fast. For example, you could provide options for the Operating System (Windows 7, Windows 8 or Mac OS/X), the RAM (4 MB, 8 MB, 12 MB) and the Hard Drive Size (500 GB, 1 TB, 1.5 TB) and leave everything else as a baseline. These are just examples. I leave it up to you to determine which components you want the user to select options. Be sure your prices are realistic.
There is much flexibility for this project. You should reach a unique design. I recommend keeping it simple at first and then add more user options if you have time.
Example application test data:
Test Case # Input Expected Output
1 Baseline Cost: $500
CPU Option 1 (2.2 GHz,$400)
Monitor Option 2 (Dell,$200)
RAM Option 1 (4 GB,$89)
(Total price would be $500 + cost of CPU+ cost of Monitor + Cost of Ram)
Total Price = $1189
2 Your Computer selection options Your output
3 Your Computer selection options Your output
Submission requirements:
Your completed assignment should be saved as Word document and submitted to your assignment area no later than the due date listed in the syllabus. Your document should be neat, well-written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors. Your name should be clearly listed on the first page along with the class/section, professor and due date. Your document should contain page numbers at the bottom of each page. Single or double space line formatting is acceptable.